Why Work Union
It’s simple, working for a union will provide you with higher wages, healthcare benefits and a pension that will allow you to retire comfortably. Union members feel more secure knowing they belong to a brotherhood, where they are part of an experienced pool of tradesmen. Unions fight for their members to ensure they are treated fairly and contractors abide by the terms of the collective agreement. By joining together, working men and women gain strength in numbers so they can have a voice. Unions negotiate a contract for their members, things like a fair and safe workplace, better wages, a secure retirement and scheduling hours. They have a voice in how their jobs get done, creating a more stable, productive workforce that provides better services and products. Unions are meeting the needs of workers in today’s flexible and nontraditional work environments. If you are looking for a well balanced career in the piping trades look no further than joining the UA. For more information or to apply for membership please contact our union office at 250-382-0415 or email admin@ualocal324.com.