Standard for Excellence
Without question, United Association members are the best trained, most highly skilled and hardest working building tradespeople in our industry today, bar none. Despite this fact, every day we hear reports that the union sector is losing ground and that construction owners, as well as many in the general public, believe that working union equals overpriced and under skilled workers with bad attitudes and a sense of entitlement.
As we all know, nothing could be further from the truth, but it is up to us to change the negative view of unions that has persisted for far too long. The UA is taking positive steps to change that perception, in part through our Standard for Excellence program. This program is explained in detail in the video that is available through the link below. I hope you will take a few minutes to watch this video, and that you will join with me in making a commitment to the principles of this program. By doing so, you will help ensure that, for years to come, the United Association and our contractors will be the number one source for skilled labor in our industry and that we will gain the respect we deserve.
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